School Board
School Board
The School Board is a group of people who are a blessing to our school ministry. This group of people provides assistance to the principal in setting school policy, interpreting policy, and determining the overall direction of the school. They work many hours with the principal to promote a positive Christian learning environment. The school board also serves as the “eyes and ears” of the school, providing input and feedback that enables the principal to make sound decisions that positively impact our school.
Scott Clontz
Lynne Carpenter
Erica Moretz
David Janisko
Kim Yancey
Ross Chiles
School Board Rep
Dear Parent,
We know that parents want more input and feedback to our school leadership and decision-making. In an effort to respond to these requests to include more parent representation to our school board, we recommend the following actions:
- Parent representatives to the school board will be elected or appointed from the following grade levels for each new school year (beginning the July before school starts): one from Preschool, Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, and Grade 6-8. The board also includes a representative from the PTL.
- Representatives will be elected or appointed to a one-year term for the following school year and may serve consecutive terms.
- If more than one parent from each respective grade level group is interested in serving as a school board parent representative, the School Board recommends....
- Current PS3 class will elect the Preschool representative to serve for the next school year.
- Current PS4-Grade 1 will elect the Grades K-2 representative to serve for the next school year.
- Current Grades 2-4 will elect the Grades 3-5 representative to serve for the next school year.
- Current Grades 5-7 will elect the Grades 6-8 representative to serve for the next school year.
More Information
- Board Meetings meet monthly.
- Board members must be committed to the following:
- Prepare for meetings
- Attend board meetings
- Think independently
- Participate but do not dominate
- Make decisions in the best interest of the school